Tag » funny


A couple of good commercials: solar power and human katamari. And as a bonus, a little something about truth in advertising.

Museum Camouflage

Museum camouflage; how cute.

Matching Pantone

The Matching Pantone Flickr set is hilariously brilliant (if you’re into design, that is).

Fasten your seatbelts

Any frequent flyer will appreciate this thruthful in-flight announcement by The Economist.

That is because you crazy

That is because you crazy, a great ad for Ikea.

Fun with treadmills

Fun with treadmills. This is really imaginative.

Update: I hadn’t realized that this was the same band that made this great video.

March of the Emperors

March of the Emperors is an absolutely hilarious commercial. Browse around the site after you’ve watched it, there are a lot of other good ones on there as well.

Light Side Up

A fantastic prank. Just watch it.