Archive for August, 2007

Pixel videos

Pixel videos

Many of you will have seen The White Stripes’ brilliant video made out of legos. Here’s another clever pixelated video, this time with dice:

In related news, Beck also made a cool ASCII-art video.

Vincent Laforet

Vincent Laforet

Vincent Laforet has previously been recognized for his striking aerial shots. Recently, he’s been trying out a new technique: using tilt-shift lenses to photograph sports events. Tilt-shift lenses produce a very narrow plain of focus, which make the world look like a scale model. Very cool.



Adaptive Path took to heart a diabetic blogger’s call to action and designed a concept for a new device. Charmr is the result of 9 weeks of research into how to make diabetics’ lives easier. Make sure to follow the links in the post, as they explain the design process in detail.

Pink Neon

Pink Neon

Ceiling light in a store in Venice. Cropped and sharpened.

Virtual barbershop

Virtual barbershop

It’s amazing what you can do with clever algorithms: virtual barbershop.

Photo by Esthr.

Virgin America

Virgin America

PSFK has a great description of their first flight on Virgin America:

It was like being eaten by an iPhone and sitting in its belly for an hour.

I’ve always been a fan of Virgin Atlantic — it’s the only airline where the safety brochures look like they were put together by a graphic designer. It appears that they’ve paid the same attention to detail for their new US venture, and I for one can’t wait to try it.

Star Guitar

Star Guitar

A club in the Mission, in San Francisco. Here, in fact. Straight out of the camera.

Rothko sunset

Rothko sunset

A sunset near Ornö, in the Stockholm archipelago, straight out of the camera.



An exit sign in the SAE house at Dartmouth, pretty much unedited.